Integrated signature solution | SwissSign
A data security specialist by Swiss Post

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Integrated signature solution

With our integrated signatures, we help you to fully digitalise processes and prevent media discontinuity. Even though many transactions can be completed online up to a certain point nowadays, a handwritten signature is often still required at the end. Our solution, which can be integrated directly into your processes and systems, solves this problem with electronic signatures, along with giving you plenty of flexibility when designing your signature processes.

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How you benefit

Seamlessly integrate the electronic signature into your systems and processes.

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Product features

  • Various integration options:

    • Integration via a REST API to control a signature workflow (SES, QES, organisation seal)

    • Installation on-premise or in a private cloud (SES, AES, QES, organisation seal)

  • Signature complies with Swiss law (ESigA)

  • White labelling option

  • Confirmation of the signature using the SwissID App or your own authenticator

  • Option of using SwissID identities or, alternatively, your own identities and identification processes*

SwissSign is a member of the Adobe Approved Trust List (AATL). So, when the document is opened, Adobe Acrobat Reader automatically checks whether the signatures are valid. The signature properties can also be viewed.

* Provided that they meet the requirements set out in the ESigA.

Typical use cases

  • Signing of documents such as invoices to confirm to recipients that they are authentic

  • Online conclusion of contracts

  • Confirmation of internal approval processes

Would you like to learn more about how you can use e-signatures in your day-to-day business operations? You can find further information on using our signature solution in various industries here.

Our solution in use

ePost | Simply sign contracts online

ePost has integrated the simple electronic signature (SES) from SwissSign into the ePost app via a REST-API. This allows end customers, for example, of insurance companies, to sign contracts online with ease. Read more

How you benefit

The electronic signature can be integrated as deeply as you like into your processes. You have the option of continuing to use your existing identities and identification processes*. Or you can place your trust in our existing identity solution or SwissID identities.

* Provided that they meet the requirements set out in the ESigA.

  • Icon symbolising the topic

    All data stored in Switzerland.

  • Icon symbolising the topic

    Issued by a Swiss trust service provider.

  • Icon symbolising the topic

    Data protection based on the FADP and the GDPR.

Contact us

Together, we will find out how we can best customise the signature solution to suit your needs. Please call us on +41 848 77 66 55 or use the contact form.

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