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Secardeo certEP offers auto-enrollment of SwissSign S/MIME certificates
Secardeo, business solution partner of SwissSign, releases the version 3 of its Certificate Enrollment Proxy certEP. With certEP users and computers in a Windows domain may be provided with X.509 certificates from a Non-Microsoft Certification Authority (CA) either manually or automatically.
For the first time, globally accepted S/MIME certificates may now be issued for users and distributed in Active Directory through the connection with the CA of SwissSign. A further property of this business solution is the automated distribution of private keys to the mobile devices of a user. By this, the user may encrypt and decrypt his e-mails also on his iPhone, Android or Blackberry smartphone. The outstanding features of certEP are:
- Windows certificate enrollment with a Non-Microsoft CA
- Automated, secure distribution of private keys to mobile devices
- S/MIME certificates for end-to-end encryption
- User and computer certificates for strong authentication
- On-premise key-backup and recovery
- No client-software required
The certEP is a component of Secardeo’s TOPKI platform for a reliable on-premise key management. With it internal users may be provided with certificates and also the external partners’ certificates which are required for encryption will be found and retrieved automatically via the Internet. With this solution users may communicate via e-mail comfortably and secure from industrial espionage.
Secardeo and SwissSign have cooperatively introduced this unique solution for an internationally leading technology manufacturer and herewith several thousand certificates have been enrolled.
About Secardeo: Secardeo is a pioneer in the field of enterprise solutions with digital signatures and certificates. We offer competent consulting, pathfinding products and integrated solutions. Secardeo certDrive and TOPKI enable global any-to-any encryption. We help our popular customers to increase IT security, lower costs and comply with regulations.